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Principal's Message

This winter sure has been cold and snowy! I hope that the groundhog brings us a prediction of an early spring. In the meantime, please continue to send your scholars to school with jackets, hats, and gloves to keep them warm at arrival, dismissal, and recess.


Our winter/spring attendance raffles have begun. There will be prizes for scholars and for their families! Remember that scholars must be on track with their attendance to be eligible. You can help your scholar to get on track and stay on track by getting them to get to school on time each day that they are healthy, and by scheduling appointments outside of the school day so that they can stay all day.


Details about the upcoming events listed below can be found in our weekly all-call, which comes through as a phone call and email each Sunday.

Saturday, February 1 - PTO skate night

Monday, February 3 - marking period 2 report cards sent home

Wednesday, February 5 - PTO meeting, 5:30pm

Thursday, February 13 - 100th day of school (grades 1-5)

Father/daughter dance, 6:00pm

Friday, February 14 - no school

Monday, February 17 - Presidents Day, no school

Wednesday, February 19 - 100th day of school (ELP and KG)

Thursday, February 20 - Parent-teacher conferences, 3:00pm - 6:30pm

Book fair


Please call the office at 330-761-7903 or email me if you have any questions. We are here to help!

Mrs. Sabik -